The blind see & the lame walk - That’s the normal Christian life

  • The presence of God is our passion.
  • The Kingdom of God, as Jesus lived it, our mission.
  • To bring the gospel to the least reached in power and love is our joy!

Since childhood we dreamed of the normal Christian life as portrayed in Acts with healings, miracles and love encounters with the living God.

For years this desire was mostly unfulfilled but then God changed everything. Now we get to see how Jesus heals hundreds and how churches are being founded in the least reached places. We count it pure joy to be able to empower and set people free to bring the gospel in love and in the power of the Holy Spirit to the ends of the earth.

Christoph got trained as a mechanic and then was a pastor in Switzerland for almost 10 years after his theological education. Gabriela is a teacher and completed theological training. They have four wonderful daughters.

For years they longed to see the power of God in their lives. But the supernatural was rather scarce until it all changed in the year 2009. God exposed their spiritual performance mentality. He revealed that Jesus not only died for the sins but also paid for the manifestation of the supernatural of the children of God. The power of God is not an earned anointing but is released through simply trusting God’s abundant grace. Since then the supernatural has been naturally part of their lives. They experience how Jesus heals thousands, how God’s love touches and totally transforms lives, how people are being empowered to live a supernatural life themselves.

In 2012 God led them into a sabbatical and further education at Bethel Church in Redding, USA. A year later it was the right time to follow their call into missions, which they had felt for years.

Since 2013 they are in are in Asia to train keypeople amoung unreached people groups. Over and over they marvel at how the church planters that are being trained start to release heaven on earth.

For now their focus is the Himalayan region and Southeast Asia. But it is not limited to these areas. Their hearts burn to see each and every believer empowered and released to live in the love and power of Jesus. They want to see how the kingdom of heaven penetrates the earth.

Christoph and Gabriela are sent out through their home church, the FCG Winterthur and partner with Globe Mission Switzerland. These and other partners contribute and support in various ways to their ministry.

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Sunday 23 June 2024

Missions day, FCG Winterthur

Schaffhauserstrasse 133a
8400 Winterthur

10:00 am service

12:45 pm afternoon program
More details

Sunday 18 August 2024

B!G Weinfelden
Begegnung im Giessenpark

Thomas-Bornhauser-Strasse 20
8570 Weinfelden

10:00 am service

Sunday 1 September 2024

Pfimi Glarus
Burgstrasse 47

8750 Glarus

9:30 am service

Sunday 8 September 2024

Christliche Gemeinde Männedorf
Bahnhofstrasse 24
8708 Männedorf

10:00 am service

Sunday 20 October 2024

Freie Christengemeinde
Oltenstrasse 1
4702 Oensingen

10:00 am service

Sunday 27 October 2024

Pfimi Davos
7270 Davos Platz

17:00 pm service


Ongoing trips in Asia

(participation upon request)